NonfictionNOW Conference
to Jun 13

NonfictionNOW Conference

  • Notre Dame University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Panel: “Shared Shadows: Exploring Mysticism, Spirituality, and the Occult in Cross-Cultural Nonfiction.”

NonfictioNOW gathers leading writers from around the world to share notes with emerging peers and audiences on the intricate challenges and intriguing delights of writing and reading nonfiction NOW. The growing success of NonfictioNOW highlights the great energy and interest in the art of nonfiction storytelling in all its forms, from literary and political essays and memoir to reality TV. 

Panels and readings highlight the myriad forms of nonfiction, from the video essay and graphic essays, to the memoir, lyric essay, and literary journalism. Past keynote speakers have included Karl Ove Knausgård, Maggie Nelson, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, Alison Bechdel, Rebecca Solnit, Wayne Koestenbaum, Pico Iyer, Margo Jefferson, Richard Rodriguez, Tim Flannery, Helen Garner, Ross McElwee, David Shields, Mary Cappello, Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Behrouz Boochani and Philip Lopate among others.

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Coyote Tales
6:30 PM18:30

Coyote Tales

  • Center for the Arts at Kayenta (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Coyote Tales are live, open-mic style storytelling events with amateur and experienced storytellers. Each event has a theme, on which stories are to be based. Potential storytellers may address that theme in any way they choose. Prior to the event, storytellers craft their true, on-theme story, practice the telling (5 minutes or less), and work on eliminating excess detail to nail the perfect ending. When the doors open, potential storytellers put their name in the hat in hopes of being chosen to share their story. If chosen, the storyteller takes the stage to delight the audience. Stories

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Book Editing Essentials
6:30 PM18:30

Book Editing Essentials

Henderson Writers Group Event:

Book Editing Essentials: It is said that 90% of writing is rewriting and that behind every brilliant book is the first draft. Editing involves much more than fixing grammar and is the most crucial part of writing a book. Whether you decide to be your own editor or hire a professional, the editing process is of vital importance to any book's success. In this class, we will learn about self-editing techniques successful writers employ when polishing their books. We will also discuss the process of hiring a professional editor, including the types of edits to ask for, the costs, and ways to find a quality editor.

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Pacific Ancient And Modern Language Association Conference
to Nov 10

Pacific Ancient And Modern Language Association Conference

  • Margaritaville Resort - Palm Springs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

PAMLA 2024 Palm Springs: “Translation in Action”

The 121st annual PAMLA Conference will be held from November 7 to November 10, 2024, at the Margaritaville Resort in Palm Springs, California.

While most scholarship about translation deals with the interlingual, we welcome scholarship on the other areas discussed by Roman Jakobson such as intralingual and intersemiotic translation. We plan on celebrating the work of a wide range of scholars and translators such as Michael Cronin, Moira Inghilleri, and many others. The conference will explore translation as a diverse set of practices, a dynamic field of study, and a set of complex networks that affect our lives.

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Las Vegas Writers Conference (Virtual)
to Apr 15

Las Vegas Writers Conference (Virtual)

  • Google Calendar ICS

This year – and every year – the Las Vegas Writers Conference is dedicated to helping writers of all genres improve their craft, sharpen their business skills, and network with publishing professionals. Held each spring, this year’s conference will draw attendees from around the world. Pitch sessions with literary agents and editors are included in the price of registration. Writers will have the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring sessions with faculty members and other published authors. We hope you will join us and take your writing skills to the next level.

Throughout the event, you will be able to meet our faculty, schedule times to pitch to agents and publishers and learn from experts in fields connected to writing and publishing.

This is going to be one exciting and rewarding experience!

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to Sep 30

Female Romani Literatures: (re-)writing and empowerment - Gypsy Lore Society Conference

  • Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Female Romani Literatures: (re-)writing and empowerment

Panel organizers: Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf, University of Passau (Germany); Lorely French, Pacific University (USA); Ileana D. Chirila, University of New Hampshire (USA); Oksana Marafioti, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (USA)

The history of written Romani literature is only about 100 years old, and thus Romani literatures are still being defined and consolidated. The special feature of this young literature is, on the one hand, that it is a multilingual diasporic world literature and, on the other hand, that female authors play a prominent role: Papusza (Bronisława Wajs), a Romani woman, was the first to take up the pen and establish Romani literature as written literature. It is conspicuously often female authors who achieve visibility with their texts on the national book markets. Some authors appear in their texts as committed feminists and/or human rights activists. For other authors, sexuality and gender play a less prominent role in their works. Additionally, women often also play a very central role in texts by male authors.

In our panel we therefore, on the one hand, want to deal with literary works by female authors. Papers will examine, for example, how the act of writing is frequently an act of self-empowerment and how literary writing can thus often be described as engaged literature. On the other hand, the panel will also look at the representation of female protagonists in works by male authors. Comparative analyses might ask how are Romani women represented in texts by male authors, and how in those by female authors? Are there differences? And if so, how are they to be evaluated? The aim of the panel is to sketch a broad picture of Romnya in the literature of Romani authors and to investigate whether significant gender differences exist.

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How To Write Engaging Characters (Free Webinar)
12:00 PM12:00

How To Write Engaging Characters (Free Webinar)

About this event

Everyone loves masterfully crafted book characters, but what does it take to bring one to life?

Wrestling with fictional characters is a familiar pastime for experienced as well as new writers. Yet, every reader who cracks open a book expects to be fascinated by the people they meet there. It’s an ongoing struggle to create realistic characters who fulfill all the functions of story and resonate with the reader as real, engaging people.

In this webinar, author and editor Oksana Marafioti will teach you:

  • The basics of writing characters;

  • Techniques for making them believable and entertaining; and

  • How to make sure they fit into your story.

Register now!

Wednesday 3rd August at 3 pm New York • Noon Pacific • 8 pm London • 12.30 am Delhi • 3 am Hong Kong • 5 am Sydney


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How to Start a Story: Livestreamed Class (Free)
12:00 PM12:00

How to Start a Story: Livestreamed Class (Free)

Have you ever wondered why some stories dazzle instantly while others fail to capture your attention? What makes a book unputdownable from page one?

In storytelling, as in real life, first impressions count. It’s crucial to write an unforgettable story opening. One that will not only pique the reader’s interest but keep them immersed in your tale to the end.

In this class, author and editor Oksana Marafioti will reveal techniques that help create effective story beginnings. Whether you’ve always dreamed of writing, but don’t know where to start, or want to make sure the opening of your completed novel will catch a reader’s or an agent’s attention, this class will help you achieve those goals.

The topics covered will include:

  • Where to open

  • How to open

  • Establishing the main conflict

  • Introducing your characters

  • How to avoid mistakes that weaken the opening

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Wagtail: The Roma Women's Poetry Anthology Book Launch and Reading
10:00 AM10:00

Wagtail: The Roma Women's Poetry Anthology Book Launch and Reading

Butcher's Dog Publishing proudly presents Wagtail, our debut anthology of poetry, with many thanks to the support from ERIAC, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture.

Wagtail celebrates voices and visions from the margins. The book seeks to address historic and ongoing failures by the publishing industry to fairly represent the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) diaspora. 

Editor Jo Clement's foreword details the provenance of this inclusive international publication and explains why it is vital mainstream publishing brings traditionally excluded voices into print.

Here, established poets share pages with the previously unheard and unpublished. In solidarity against hate and all forms of misogyny: 'The Roma Women's Poetry Anthology' includes writing by gender-fluid, non-binary and transgender writers.

The Wagtail anthology features specially commissioned artworks by Delaine Le Bas and Imogen Bright Moon, alongside twenty-six astounding poets.

Join us for a virtual book launch and readings from the anthology!

Stand by for the link to the virtual Zoom event.

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118th Annual PAMLA Conference
to Nov 12

118th Annual PAMLA Conference

  • Sahara Hotel and Casino (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Session Title:
Welcome Event: Creative Writers Spotlight

Nov. 11, 2021, 8:45 a.m. - Nov. 11, 2021, 9:45 a.m.

Location: Congo III/IV


Session Title:
3.07: Las Vegas, Subverting the Myth I: Story and Sound (In-Person)

Nov. 11, 2021, 1:40 p.m. - Nov. 11, 2021, 3:10 p.m.

Location: Congo III/IV


Session Title:
7.03: Las Vegas, Subverting the Myth II: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (In-Person)

Nov. 12, 2021, 11:50 a.m. - Nov. 12, 2021, 1:20 p.m.

Location: Congo III/IV

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Oksana Marafioti: American Gypsy. A Memoirist's Journey Through Generational Storytelling
4:00 PM16:00

Oksana Marafioti: American Gypsy. A Memoirist's Journey Through Generational Storytelling

Globus Books YouTube Channel


Globus Books is excited to invite you to a conversation with Oksana Marafioti, the author of American Gypsy: A Memoir (FSG, 2012). This event is in English and will take place on July 7, at 4.00 PM PST (SF), 7.00 PM PST (NY.)

Oksana Marafioti's writings have appeared in Rumpus, Slate, Time, Literary Orphans, and in a number of literary journals and anthologies. Oksana was the 2013 Library of Congress Literary Award Recipient. From 2019 to 2021, she was the guest editor of the Critical Journal of Romani Studies at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. A 2020 recipient of the Picador Guest Professor Award from the University of Leipzig, Germany, she is also the founder of Lounge Writers, a virtual creative writing studio. A classically trained pianist, Oksana holds a BS in Cinematography and an MFA in Creative Writing. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram at @oksanamarafioti.

Marafioti will talk about her memoir and her family's journey with Zarina Zabrisky.

Zarina Zabrisky is the author of three short story collections and a novel "We, Monsters" (Numina Press, 2014). Zabrisky's work appeared in nine countries in over fifty literary magazines and anthologies, including The Nervous Breakdown, A Capella Zoo, The Rumpus, Guernica, and received nominations and awards, including 2013 Acker Awards for Avant-Garde Excellence. Zabrisky runs literary and cultural programs at Globus Books.

This event is in English and will be held on Zoom on June 23, 2021, at 10.00 am PST (SF), 1.00 pm EST (NY), 20.00 (Moscow.)

There will be a limited number of seats; please contact Globus Books via FB messenger to register.

We will also be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel ( and later will share the edited version of the program.

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Exploring Romani Literature from Theory to Praxis
10:00 AM10:00

Exploring Romani Literature from Theory to Praxis

Online launch of the thematic issue of Critical Romani Studies journal

6 July 2021 18.00 (Central European Time)

Critical Romani Studies is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal providing a forum for activist-scholars to critically examine racial oppressions, different forms of exclusion, inequalities, and human rights abuses of Roma.

The thematic issue contains academic papers papers by Ileana D. Chirila, Ana Belén Martín Sevillano, Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf, Georgia Kalpazidou-Dimitris Alexandros Ladopoulos-Theofano Papakonstantinou, Éva Kovács; reviews by Laura Soréna Tittel, Mariana Sabino Salazar, Deniz Selmani; and creative writing pieces by Oksana Marafioti, Jorge Emilio Nedich, Jessica Reidy, Frances Roberts Reilly, Katelan V. Foisy, Galina Trefil, Diana Norma Szokolyai. The guest editors of the thematic issue are Ana Belén Martín Sevillano and Oksana Marafioti.

The thematic issue is introduced by Ana Belén Martín Sevillano, Oksana Marafioti, Ileana D. Chirila, Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf, Frances Roberts Reilly, and Diana Norma Szokolyai.

The event is live-streamed at

The open access journal issue is be available from the 6th of July at

Cover: Generational Trauma (2020). Image courtesy of Nicholas Alexander

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